rest_framework_dso.views module

class rest_framework_dso.views.AutoSelectPaginationClass(default=None)

Bases: object

An @classproperty for the pagination

class rest_framework_dso.views.DSOViewMixin

Bases: object

View/Viewset mixin that adds DSO-compatible API’s

This adds: * HTTP Accept-Crs and HTTP POST Content-Crs support. * Default filter backends in the view for sorting and filtering. The filtering logic is delegated to a filterset_class by django-filter.

Usage: * Set filterset_class to enable filtering on fields. * The ordering_fields can be set on the view as well. By default, it accepts all serializer field names as input.

accept_crs = frozenset({CRS(domain='ogc', authority='EPSG', version='', crsid='4326', srid=4326, backend=None, origin=4326, has_custom_backend=False), CRS(domain='ogc', authority='EPSG', version='', crsid='4258', srid=4258, backend=None, origin='EPSG:4258', has_custom_backend=False), CRS(domain='ogc', authority='EPSG', version='', crsid='3857', srid=3857, backend=None, origin='EPSG:3857', has_custom_backend=False), CRS(domain='ogc', authority='EPSG', version='', crsid='28992', srid=28992, backend=None, origin='EPSG:28992', has_custom_backend=False)})

The list of allowed coordinate reference systems for the request header

finalize_response(request, response, *args, **kwargs)

Set the Content-Crs header if there was a geometry field.

Also restore streaming support if the output media uses generators.

get_serializer(*args, **kwargs)

Updated to allow extra modifications to the serializer

initial(request, *args, **kwargs)

Paginator class

alias of DSOPageNumberPagination

parser_classes = [<class 'rest_framework_dso.parsers.DSOJsonParser'>]

Enforce parsing Content-Crs for POST requests:

property table_schema: DatasetTableSchema
rest_framework_dso.views.bad_request(request, exception, *args, **kwargs)

Generic 400 error handler.

rest_framework_dso.views.exception_handler(exc, context)

Return the exceptions as ‘application/problem+json’.


rest_framework_dso.views.get_invalid_params(exc: ValidationError, detail: Union[ErrorDetail, dict, list], field_name=None) list

Flatten the entire chain of DRF messages. This can be a recursive tree for POST requests with complex serializer data.

rest_framework_dso.views.get_view_name(view: APIView)

Given a view instance, return a textual name to represent the view. This name is used in the browsable API, and in OPTIONS responses.

This function replaces the Rest Framework default, configured in settings using: REST_FRAMEWORK['VIEW_NAME_FUNCTION']

rest_framework_dso.views.not_found(request, exception, *args, **kwargs)

Generic 404 error handler.

rest_framework_dso.views.server_error(request, *args, **kwargs)

Generic 500 error handler.