Streaming Output

Since the DSO-API offers huge datasets (e.g. all buildings in Amsterdam), the output is written using a streaming response. This greatly improves the performance and reduces memory consumption.

Standard REST Framework

A standard REST framework project follows these steps:

digraph foo {
     node [shape=cds]
     edge [style=invis minlen=1]

     paginate [label="paginate (queryset)"]
     paginate2 [label="wrap in page"]
     render [label="render to JSON"]
     write [label="write response"]

     collect -> filter -> paginate -> serialize -> paginate2 -> render -> write

The serializer reads all data in memory, and generates the total JSON dictionary. Then the paginator can wrap it, and the rendering cals json.dumps() to convert this complete structure to a JSON message. Finally, the total output is written to the client.

For huge datasets, this is problematic. It uses a lot of memory. The whole complete table data is read in memory, the QuerySet caches all results, and the whole JSON string is stored in memory before writing any output. For a single request, this can create a peak of 1GB in memory usage to handle that amount of data.

Streaming Design

Ideally, individual records are written to the client while the table is being read. Then, the memory usage would stay low because a records are processed one by one in the pipeline.

Python offers a generator pattern to read data while it’s being retrieved. Django also has QuerySet.iterator() to process data one record at a time and a StreamingHttpResponse class that allows the WSGI server to read the response body from a generator/iterator.

Unfortunately, each step inside the Django REST Framework pipeline breaks the streaming behavior. Whenever code reads all all incoming data upfront, the whole chain of streaming records breaks. Hence, all steps were altered to work with generators:

digraph foo {
     node [shape=cds height=0.7]
     edge [style=invis minlen=1]

     collect [label="QuerySet.iterator()"]
     collect2 [label="ChunkedQuerySetIterator"]
     paginate [label="paginate without list()"]
     serialize [label="\nReturnGenerator"]
     paginate2 [label="wrap in page"]
     render [label="render single objects"]
     footer [label="write footer"]
     response [label="start StreamingResponse"]

     collect -> paginate -> serialize -> paginate2 -> response -> render -> footer
     collect2 -> paginate
     {rank=same; collect; collect2}
     collect -> collect2 [xlabel="or"]

The following steps are taken:

  • Serializers read using QuerySet.iterator() whenever possible.

  • Serializers return a ReturnGenerator instead of a ReturnList.

  • The paginator delegates most rendering to the output format; it only adds the basic structure.

  • The next/previous links are determined after rendering all main objects.

  • Our custom HALJSONRenderer and GeoJSONRenderer classes support generators.

  • The rendering classes perform json.dumps() calls on single records.

  • The Response class is replaced by a StreamingResponse class.

Chunked JSON Rendering

The JSON response is written by selectively applying json.dumps(). The idea is to write some object layout manually, and leverage json.dumps() where possible. It basically looks like:

yield '{["_embedded": ['

# write main listing:
for record in generator:
    if not first:
        yield ",\n"
    yield json.dumps(record)

yield "],\n"

# write "_links" and "page" parts without the opening/closing braces:
yield json.dumps(footer_links)[1:-1]
yield "}\n"

Additional Optimizations

Output Buffering

To avoid too many back/forth calls from the response-generator and the WSGI server, the produced output is submitted in chunks of 4096kB. Otherwrite an OS write() call might happen for a simple yield "}" statement.

Error Handling

When an error occurs during streaming, it’s not possible to send out a HTTP 500 “Internal Server” error. After all, the header (with HTTP 200 OK) is already submitted, and possibly even more content of the first few records. All the WSGI server can do is stop writing and close the connection. This gives a confusing situation, with either an unparsable JSON document, or a incomplete CSV export that might look finished. This is solved in two ways.

First the peek_iterable() function takes a look at the first record in the generator. This triggers the database query execution, and any on-demand parsing (needed for the Content-Crs header). At this point, any raised exceptions still trigger a HTTP 500 error.

Only then the streaming response starts.

This is mediated by wrapping the response generator inside a try..except block. When an error happens during the streaming phase, a proper message like /* aborted by exception ... */ can be written to the client.

Embedding Solution

While records are streamed one at a time, the embedding still needs to track all records to find out what related records should be fetched. Fortunately, the results only have to be written to the client after the first section of _embedded is written.

To solve this, an ObservableIterator wraps the QuerySet.iterator() and monitors which objects are written to the client. Meanwhile, it tracks all related object ID’s in a list. Once the main objects are written to the client, all related identifiers are known and can be queried at once.

For nested embedding, this isn’t possible. Those objects have to be included in a nested _embedded section within the current section that is written to the client. Hence those relations are queried directly, with some prefetching optimizations on the embedded section to avoid many repeated queries.

Prefetching Optimization

One problem with QuerySet.iterator() is that it’s incompatible with QuerySet.prefetch_related(). This happens because prefetch_related() reads over the internal results to collect all identifiers that need to be “prefetched” with a single query.

To have the best of both words, the ChunkedQuerySetIterator avoids this problem by reading the table in chunks of 1000 records. For every batch, records are prefetched and given to the next generator. It also tracks the most recently retrieved prefetches so the next batch likely doesn’t need an extra prefetch. But even when it does, this is still better then no having prefetching at all.

Also note that internally, Django’s QuerySet.iterator() may still request 1000 records from the database cursor at once. Hence, the ChunkedQuerySetIterator also follows this pattern to request the exact same amount of records.