Dynamic Models

The DSO-API uses dynamically generated models, which are constructed from JSON schema definitions. The central function to construct models is model_factory(). It builds a Django model based on the imported schema data.

digraph foo {

  ams [label="Amsterdam Schema", shape=note]

  dataset [label="Dataset [model]" shape=box]
  model_factory [label="model_factory()" shape=none]
  custom1 [label="CustomModel1" shape=box]
  custom2 [label="CustomModel2" shape=box]

  ams -> dataset [style=dotted, label="manage.py import_schemas"]
  dataset -> model_factory
  model_factory -> custom1
  model_factory -> custom2



The schema files are not imported directly; the manage.py import_schemas command loads the definitions into the Dataset, DatasetTable and DatasetField models.

Loading Schemas

To play with the examples, load the schemas first.

The schema files are imported by manage.py import_schemas. This command reads all available schemas from a schema repository (SCHEMA_URL, default: https://schemas.data.amsterdam.nl/datasets/) and updates the metadata tables accordingly.

All schema data is saved in the Dataset model from the schematools.contrib.django package. Upon startup, DSO-API reads all available dataset schema’s from the Dataset model to construct the models. When the model construction can’t run at startup, use the INITIALIZE_DYNAMIC_VIEWSETS=0 variable.


Run manage.py dump_models to see the internal model layout that was created. This command is also very useful to debug the model factory logic in schematools.

Model Logic

While the idea of a dynamic model might be daunting, all logic is still implemented in plain Python. The dynamic models inherit all logic from their base class: DynamicModel.

digraph foo {
  dynamicmodel [label="DynamicModel" shape=box]
  custom1 [label="CustomModel1" shape=box]
  custom2 [label="CustomModel2" shape=box]

  dynamicmodel -> custom1 [dir=back arrowtail=empty]
  dynamicmodel -> custom2 [dir=back arrowtail=empty]

Thus, the only “dynamic” part is the translation of the schema to the model field objects. That’s the part after all that would normally be written in Python as well.


To debug datasets and use their models, you can reuse the router logic which already created those models. The following can be used inside ./manage.py shell:

>>> from dso_api.dynamic_api.urls import router
>>> Model = router.all_models["dataset"]["tablename"]
>>> Model.objects.all()  # etc..

Internals of model_factory()

Classes can be generated at run-time in Python using the type class or by calling the metaclass. The following code examples are functionally equivalent:

class Person(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)


Person = type(
        "name": models.CharField(max_length=100),

This is the logic that model_factory() uses to create dynamic models. The code looks more extensive, as it reads the schema definitions to come up with the proper model fields as a dictionary.

On Metaclasses

The term metaclass should not to be confused with class Meta that is typically seen in Django code. That construct just holds a bit of metadata.

A real metaclass constructs a class (Model = ModelBase(name, bases, attrs)), just like a class constructs an instance (person = Model(name="John")). Metaclasses are invoked for subclasses too. Django uses this to read the hard-coded fields from your model/form/serializer classes.

When the type class is called as type(name, bases, attrs), it uses the metaclass of those base classes to construct the class. Hence, it’s also possible to call django.db.models.bases.ModelBase directly instead of type, as that’s the metaclass of django.db.models.Model.

Creating Tables

When manage.py create_tables is executed (or manage.py import_schemas --create-tables), the underlying database tables are created based on the model data.


On production, the tables are typically populated by a job from a separate Airflow instance.