Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be configured to change the application behavior:

Disabling Automatic Model Creation

In case the dynamic models+endpoints shouldn’t be configured, pass INITIALIZE_DYNAMIC_VIEWSETS=0. This is enabled by default for manage.py showmigrations and manage.py migrate:


Hosting Specific Datasets

By default, all datasets are hosted by the application. When a custom instance is deployed for a particular dataset (e.g. the BRP), this instance can host only a subset using:


To expose only a subset of the datasets, use DATASETS_LIST. To expose all datasets with some exceptions, use DATASETS_EXCLUDE.

Both entries accept a comma separated list, e.g. DATASETS_LISTS=bommen,gebieden,meldingen.


Relations and expanding logic are also affected when certain datasets are not loaded.


By default, everything from the INFO log level and up are logged. This can be changed using:


For some endpoints, when error messages are generated, those message are containing too much confidential information (like BSN numbers) to end up in the Sentry logs.

So, it is possible to ignore certain endpoints based on the path part of the url using the environment variable SENTRY_BLOCKED_PATHS. This environment variable should contain a comma-separated list of strings that will flag the endpoint for not logging to Sentry when one of the defined strings in this environment variable is part of the url.

Dataset Schema Locations

The following variables define the locations for datasets:

SCHEMA_URL = https://schemas.data.amsterdam.nl/datasets/    # Where schema's are loaded.
PROFILES_URL = https://schemas.data.amsterdam.nl/profiles/  # Where auth-profiles are loaded.
SCHEMA_DEFS_URL = https://schemas.data.amsterdam.nl/schema  # Prefix for meta schemas

Remote API Endpoints

# Haalcentraal

Cloud environment

Depending on where the DSO API is being run, it might need to perform additional configuration.

We support Azure logging and tracing when the CLOUD_ENV=azure setting is used. When running in Azure two additional environment variables need to be specified:


This defines where Azure Application Insights (appi) information should be sent to.

Optionally Audit logs can be sent to separate Azure Application Insights instance:


This value defaults to AZURE_APPI_CONNECTION_STRING if not defined.

Database configuration is fetched from environment variables while PGPASSWORD will be fetched from secret named mdbdataservices-read in KeyVault:


Database Name.


Database User Name.


Database Host Name.


Database Host Port.

If CLOUD_ENV is not set or not starting with azure is assumes its value to be a regular hosting provider.

Querying Application Insights

Regular logs can be queries in related Application Insights instance via logs screen with following query:

` traces | extend stack = parse_json(message) | where stack.level == "DEBUG" | project stack.level, stack.message, timestamp `

Note: stack is an object and contains a bit more information than just level and message (add: stack to `project ` line to see more)

Exceptions are available via following query:

` exceptions | extend x = split(outerMessage, "Traceback") | extend error_log = parse_json(tostring(x[0])) | extend path = split(error_log.message, "Error: ")[1] | project timestamp, path, error_log.level, x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4] `

Where columns x[1], x[2], x[3] and x[4] can contain python stack trace parts.

Audit logs are queries in separate Application Insights instance with:

` traces | extend msg = parse_json(message) | project timestamp, msg.level, msg.message `

Remaining Configuration

The following environment variables are also available, but not further explained as these are typical settings for all Docker containers:

# Hosting config
DATAPUNT_API_URL = https://api.data.amsterdam.nl/           # Public endpoint

# Flags & security
SECRET_KEY = secret
CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE=1      # default: not DEBUG

# Services
DATABASE_URL = postgres://user:pass@host/dbname
EMAIL_URL = smtp://
SENTRY_DSN = https://....
CACHE_URL = locmemcache://

# Amsterdam oauth settings
PUB_JWKS = ...