Dynamic API Endpoints

The project follows the standard Django REST Framework “router” logic together with viewsets.

There is one twist. Since all models are dynamically constructed, the view classes, serializer classes and URL’s are also dynamically constructed at startup.

Instances vs classes

Views and serializer objects (i.e., their instances) are always instantiated during a request. What we do differently is that the view and serializer classes are also dynamically constructed.

Serializer Construction

In this project, no handwritten serializer definitions can be found. Instead, the serializer class is dynamically constructed. To demonstrate the basic principle:

MyModel: type[DynamicModel] = model_factory(dataset, table_schema)

MySerializerClass: type[DynamicSerializer] = serializer_factory(MyModel)

def view(request):
    queryset = MyModel.objects.all()
    serializer = MySerializerClass(data=queryset)
    return Response(serializer.data)

The serializer_factory() function constructs all fields according to the model layout and schema definition.


To view what a handwritten serializer would look like, call manage.py dump_serializers [appname] from the command line. The --format=nested options gives a pseudo-python layout to understand nested relations better.

Viewset Construction

The viewsets are also dynamically constructed. This basically works like this:

MyViewSetClass: type[DynamicApiViewSet] = viewset_factory(MyModel)

router = DefaultRouter()
router.register('urlpath/', MyViewSetClass)

urlpatterns = router.urls

By dynamically constructing the viewset classes (instead of using custom properties) the view logic integrates nicely with tools like Django’s reverse(), DRF’s HyperlinkedRelatedField and the OpenAPI generator. Those all assume there are hard-coded view classes and URLs in the project.

The viewset_factory() function calls various other factories, including the serializer_factory() function mentioned above.

Full Initialization

To construct the API, the REST Framework DefaultRouter class is extended as DynamicRouter. It is the startpoint for all dynamic class construction, including the model, viewsets and serializer classes.

digraph foo {

  rankdir = LR;

  DynamicRouter [shape=box]

  get_models [label="DataSet.objects.filter(...)" shape=none]
  create_models [label="dataset.create_models()" shape=none]
  model_factory [label="model_factory()" shape=none]
  viewset_factory [label="viewset_factory()" shape=none]
  serializer_factory [label="serializer_factory()" shape=none]
  filterset_factory [label="filterset_factory()" shape=none]

  DynamicRouter -> get_models
  DynamicRouter -> create_models
  create_models -> model_factory

  DynamicRouter -> viewset_factory
  viewset_factory -> serializer_factory
  viewset_factory -> filterset_factory


Each construction of these classes follow the same pattern: there is a factory method and base class that implements most logic in plain Python. Those base classes can be found in the dso_api.dynamic_api package:

The factory methods create a new class, which inherits those base classes and fill in the attributes for the “dataset”, “model” and fields.

When all viewset classes are constructed, reading router.urls returns all available endpoints as if it was hard-coded. The urls.py logic of dso_api.dynamic_api.urls module exposes those endpoints to Django.