WFS Server

The WFS server component is mostly implemented as a separate package: django-gisserver. The DSO-API build upon the generic functionality of django-gisserver by extending it:

digraph foo {

   wfsview [label="gisserver.views.WFSView" shape=box]
   DatasetWFSView [label="dso_api.dynamic_api.views.DatasetWFSView" shape=box]

   wfsview -> DatasetWFSView  [dir=back arrowtail=empty]

See also

To learn more about the WFS server component, it’s useful to read its development documentation at: This explains how to define features, override logic and understand its internal design.

The DSO-API end user documentation also describes how to access the WFS server:

Schema Definitions

The WFS server is a purely generic WFS server. It has no knowledge of Amsterdam Schema or the dynamic models. This isn’t needed either. To expose data for the WFS server, the view needs to provide a set of FeatureType objects.

These objects define what models to read, and which fields to return. The layer in dso_api.dynamic_api.views translates the dataset definitions to the proper FeatureType objects. By providing the proper feature type, the server constructs the desired response.

Authorization Rules

The authorization rules for data are handled in 2 ways:

  • The constructed FeatureType only contains the fields that the user may access.

  • Our AuthenticatedFeatureType subclass implements the check_permissions() hook that django-gisserver provides. It checks against the dataset/table-level permissions.

Expand Logic

The WFS server supports the same expand/embed logic as the REST API endpoints. This is an “extension” over the standard server logic, that is implemented in two steps:

  • The internals of django-gisserver support complex objects, that span various relations.

  • The DSO-API provides these complex feature definitions when requested.

The WFS ?embed=... and ?expand=... options are processed completely in the DSO-API project. When such parameter is given, DSO-API constructs a feature type definition that includes embedded/expanded relations. All the WFS server does, is follow the provided type definition and behave like any other request.

This also works in QGis. When an WFS endpoint is configured with an ?embed=... query parameter, QGis will include this query parameter in all server requests - just as if it’s part of the “URL”. This way, the WFS requests such as GetCapabilities or GetFeature all receive that setting. Each time, the DatasetWFSView constructs the complex feature, and the WFS server operates based on this definition.

See also

The effect of the expand/embed logic is well explained in the end user manual: