Remote Endpoints

Datasets can be configured to retrieve data from a remote endpoint, as opposed to an internal database table. This is currently implemented by calling: change_dataset $DATASET --endpoint-url=...

Remote endpoints have reduced functionality. The following features are not available yet:

  • Field reduction

  • Expanding relations

  • Filtering on relations

  • WFS endpoints

  • Export formats (e.g. CSV / GeoJSON)

In fact, the remote endpoints still behave mostly as a reverse proxy. The endpoint is retrieved, validated against the schema, and authentication/authorization is applied.

The logic for remote endpoints exists in dso_api.dynamic_api.remote. Its serializers build upon the DSO base classes:

digraph foo {
  DSOSerializer [shape=box]
  DSOModelSerializer [shape=box]
  RemoteSerializer [shape=box]

  DSOSerializer -> RemoteSerializer [dir=back arrowtail=empty]
  DSOSerializer -> DSOModelSerializer [dir=back arrowtail=empty]

The serializers have their own factory function; remote_serializer_factory(). It uses the Amsterdam Schema data to generate the serializer fields.